Friday, February 11, 2011

Party at Tahrir Square

Read the original story here

(CNN)- Egypt's Hosni Mubarak stubbornly clung to the presidency on Thursday, refusing in a highly anticipated speech to step down by saying he does not take orders from anyone outside Egypt.

What is the one thing that would piss off protesters more than just the fact President Mubarak is still in office?  How about the fact he got on TV and said a big "fuck you" to all of the protesters by leading them to believe that he was leaving and in turn saying "he does not take orders from anyone outside Egypt."

That is a great way to calm the masses!  Now the rioting (which I refuse to call "protesting") at Tahrir Square will be even bloodier than the past few weeks; And for what, another eight months in office? 

I am not saying I have a solution, nor will I give my political view on the situation because this post is already long enough.  I am just saying that we do need to be aware of what is actually going on in Egypt.  The left side is saying "push for democracy, encourage voting and viva la revolution!" While the right side is pushing fear about the uprising of the Muslim Brotherhood if they were to take power in Egypt. 

The left says the Muslim Brotherhood is a "mostly secular group," while the right says "the Muslim Brotherhood has been behind political assassinations, wants to push their religious views on all of the Middle East and is a group of Muslim radicals."

Confused yet?  I am. 

Where does America fit into this?  Well, America will stick up for Israel because they are our peeps.  Egypt and Israel have been cool with each other so we really have had no reason to intervene with their relationship.  Now, Israel will be "surrounded by Muslim extremists and have no chance of survival which could result in WW3"- Sean Hannity (scared yet?)

I am not here to bash the right, left or the middle.  All I am saying is, do your homework on what is actually happening over there so when you turn on the news and see our troops being deployed to Egypt, you aren't bitching and moaning without knowing the facts. 

Hmm... Now that I look back at this post, there really isn't any humor and it is exactly the type of post that I wanted to stay away from on this blog.  Oh well, if you have read this far and were looking for humor, maybe you can scroll down to another article about Spiderman or a deer on ice to get a laugh.

(Picture jacked from CNN because that's how I roll)

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